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Brass band and disco!? German poetry and hot jazz!? Circus orchestra and punk!? It's impossible to find a pigeonhole for the band Whiskydenker. Some say they reconcile mob and bukahara with Hildegard Knef, others simply call it vintage pop.

Maybe it doesn't matter, because fortunately the music of the Whiskydenker is always charming, good-humoured and wonderfully danceable. Maybe it's exactly this dance on the razor's edge that brings rock rollers, swing dancers, jazz nerds and party kids together at Whiskydenker concerts.

Maybe that's exactly the sound of these new 20s. Christian Huber, the band's drummer since 2021, and long-time banjo player and multi-instrumentalist Joerg Teichert, known as Rufus Herbertson, died in a car accident on 28 February 2022. The Whisky Thinkers are in deep mourning, will commemorate them both at their concerts and now more than ever celebrate life.

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Past events

Acoustics Offenbach #04/2022
Acoustics Magdeburg #04/2022
Acoustics Essen #04/2022
Acoustics Hamburg #09/2022
Acoustics Berlin #08/2022
Acoustics Dresden #04/2022
Acoustics Leipzig #04/2022

To stand up on a stage alone with an acoustic guitar requires bravery bordering on heroism.

Richard Thompson
