Knust Acoustics // Foto © Siebeth
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Wed 24.07.2013

Knust Acoustics #01/2018

Today the menu includes cool drinks, specialties from the grill, summer and of course the finest open air music direct and unplugged from the so called Lattenplatz of Knust in Hamburg.

This time with Tom Klose, Marco Schmedje and KAE.

18:00 Uhr


KAE stands for warm and energetic acoustic pop that gets into your legs and heart. The sound is completed by the use of loops and synths. It remains reduced to the essential: voice and guitar. More

18:45 Uhr

Tom Klose

Tom Klose is always on the road with his guitar, he sings sometimes with a tender fragile head voice, sometimes with a hard powerful chest voice. Among other things he deals with the omnipresent interplay of fear and love. More

Marco Schmedje

With his guitar and his voice Marco Schmedtje creates wonderful playgrounds that breathe the carefree charm of youth and sometimes even childhood. More


Neuer Kamp 30
20357 Hamburg
D - Germany

Tel: +49 40 87976230

To stand up on a stage alone with an acoustic guitar requires bravery bordering on heroism.

Richard Thompson
