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Wed 07.08.2013

Knust Acoustics #01/2018

Today the menu includes cool drinks, specialties from the grill, summer and of course the finest open air music direct and unplugged from the so called Lattenplatz of Knust in Hamburg.

This time with Dear Henry Bliss, Helikon and Agata Paulina.

18:00 Uhr

Agata Paulina

Agata Paulina steals foreign hearts in her songs as a pirate, conjures up the elements as an ice princess and dreams of California. Her musical world moves in acoustic pop with elements of bossa-nova, jazz and folk.  More

Dear Henry Bliss

Dear Henry Bliss tells stories. Sad and bizarre, hopeful and embracing tales and notes from life. Wrapped in folk songs that always wander out into the vastness of pop, blues and country. More

19:30 Uhr


With Helikon, influences from folk, chanson, rock and disco - the latter, however, rather in homeopathic doses - merge into compact songs. More


Neuer Kamp 30
20357 Hamburg
D - Germany

Tel: +49 40 87976230

To stand up on a stage alone with an acoustic guitar requires bravery bordering on heroism.

Richard Thompson
